Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Here we are in Reedsburg - our third new venue in as many tour stops. It was a nice performance space, there were communication issues, and the crew was fairly young and inexperienced, but the audiences were great. There was a mix up with the curtain time, all the information that we were given indicated a 7p curtain, but all the published info in town indicated a 7:30p curtain. We changed our schedule to a 7:30p curtain. Communication issues aside the audience was lined up in the lobby all the way from the theatre door to the outside door by 6:20! Our Saturday night performance was SOLD OUT - 604 seats and not an empty one in the house!

Here, some advice for Cheryl - Fish may be the miracle food and you can love your fish, just don't LOVE your fish!

Just past the Norman Rockwell exhibit in our Hotel, you could find all of the MRT 8 in the Black Squirrel lounge after our Saturday night performance. Unfortunately, several of us went to bed early and missed Steve's telling of the creepy old guy obsessed with Doug. We've been told that we have to wait until the next outing with cocktails involved to hear it. I'll keep you posted.

Sunday we had lovely church-replacement music from Paul as he played with the organ and choir settings on the key-board.
Lee has added a new mascot to the tour - a lovely fish now guides our actor van from the radio antenna. Here pictured, our crew hard at work. Also, now that we have our road sea legs the King is back in the building.

And finally there were several of these little trailers advertising our show parked prominently on busy intersection corners around town. Fun!

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