Saturday, February 24, 2007

Eau Claire Part II

Our second night in Eau Claire, we had more people than the first house. They were much more responsive too, which made for a fun show. The wind had died down, so there was no mystery sound of wind blowing through the smoke vents like last night, it was a quicker, fun show. After our trip to the Leinie Lodge we headed out to find some lunch and all of us (except Craig) independantly wound up at the same sandwich shop a couple of blocks from the hotel. It was a relaxing afternoon of good food and good conversation. We may still have been a little punchy from the afternoon, but it made for a good show.

When we left Friday morning, the desk clerk at the Ramada told us how much she enjoyed the show and that a lot of people drove in to town to see the show and stayed at the Ramada. She got many positive reviews from the guests as they checked out each morning!

One of the features of the State Theater is that they have a piano player playing in the lobby before the show and during intermission. It's a nice touch. He said that he used to play piano at the theater a long time ago and one day asked if the piano was still in the lobby, if anyone played it and if there was anything wrong with it. The answers being Yes, no no, he asked if he could play during the shows that were booked in. He played for tips and an oportuniy to hawk his CDs and it was a really charming touch.

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