Sunday, January 21, 2007

More Cedarburg

Here is what happens when you leave a pickled egg in brine in the Actor Van overnight. This one I'll take all the credit (blame) for. The jar was still on the prop table as we were leaving and I grabbed it and put it in the cup holder of the van. When we got back to the hotel I loaded all of the other weather sensitive things into my room and forgot the jar in the cup holder. When I got out to the van in the morning it was frozen solid. This picture was taken after about 4-5 hours in front of the heater. Lesson learned. Put it in the cooler.
A happy moment after a wonderfully uneventful load in, waiting for sound check. Becca (is this picture better!), Bill, Steve and Jimmy. We like Cedarburg. We had just over an hour and a half between the end of the first show and half hour of the second show so we ordered Pizza and had a relaxing break in the black-box theater that they had set up as a green room.

1 comment:

Becca said...

much better! YAY Cedarburg. I'm slowly getting my blog up and running. Check it out at